Osijek, 11th - 13th April 2019 

Faculty of Education together with the Department of Music Pedagogy (Academy of Music in Pula), Department for New Music (Academy of Arts and Culture, Osijek) and Department of Pedagogy (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Osijek) organizes The Sixth International Symposium of Music Pedagogues titled


The intention of the symposium is to bring together music pedagogues, scholars, researchers and educators in order to shed new light to theory and practice of music education. The sixth symposium will specially focus on answering the following questions:

  • What is the status of Music as part of the art area in the National Curriculum Framework?
  • What is the quality of music lessons in (music) schools?
  • How can music education in (music) schools be improved?
  • How has music education changed through history?
  • Which are the challenges and opportunities in music education when applying the project teaching method?
  • Should music be introduced in non-musical school subjects?
  • What kind of approach do teachers take when organizing extra-curricular activities containing music and dance?
  • What challenges do music teachers in art schools (music, dance, visual arts) face?
  • What kind of music education should be provided for musically-gifted students?
  • What is the importance of music and music education for person's overall development?

Official languages: Croatian and mutually intelligible languages, English

Ways of presenting: oral presentation, workshop, focus group


Tim Cain,PhD, Professor in Education

Faculty of Education, Edge Hill University, UK

email: tim.cain@edgehill.ac.uk

Tim Cain became a teacher-educator in music after working for 19 years as a secondary school music teacher. Following a career in four Secondary schools Tim taught on teacher education in several universities including Kingston University, Bath Spa University and the University of Southampton, before moving to Edge Hill University in 2011 as Professor in Education. Now he direct the research centre for Schools, Colleges and Teacher Education (SCaTE) and teaches research methods on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

His PhD was a study of mentoring, under the supervision of Professor Helen Simons, who pioneered the use of case study in educational research. As a result of his work in this field, he became a member of a European Union - funded project in mentoring (https://www.mint-mentor.net). His interests have shifted more recently to a concern with how teachers, particularly in schools, use research findings and collaborative research methods to develop their practice. His work in this area has appeared in Croatian, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, and Slovene publications and he has given Keynote Addresses to international conferences in Belgium and Croatia. His current project is 'How teachers understand and use, educational research'.

He has research interests in mentoring, action research, music education and teacher education. He has written textbooks and other educational materials and has published a number of academic articles. The latest book publication is Teaching Music Differently: Case Studies of Inspiring Pedagogies, edited together with Joanna Cursley (London: Routledge, 2017). Teaching Music Differently explores what music teachers do and why. It offers insightful analysis of eight in-depth studies of teachers in a range of settings - the early years, a special school, primary and secondary schools, a college, a prison, a conservatoire and a community choir - and demonstrates that pedagogy is not simply the delivery of a curriculum or an enactment of a teaching plan. Rather, a teacher's pedagogy is complex, nuanced and influenced by a multitude of factors.

Tim is a member of several research organisations including the British Educational Research Association. He has been a PhD supervisor since 2006 and has acted as external examiner for PhD students in five universities. He is on the editorial boards of the British Journal of Music Education and the International Journal of Music Education.


Prof. Christine C. Bass, Assistant Professor - Choral Music and Music Education

Temple University, Boyer College of Music and Dance (Philadelphia, PA, USA)

email: tuf38715@temple.edu

Christine is the Director of Temple University Women's Chorus where she also an Assistant Professor of Music Education. Prior to Temple, Christine taught at Cherry Hill West high school for 22 years where her program grew from 60 to over 320 students in seven choirs. Her choirs have performed at multiple ACDA National Conventions, MENC and ACDA All Eastern Conventions, and with Alan Gilbert, Julius Rudel, Rossen Milanov, Philadelphia's Singing City, Sister Cities Girlchoir and the Newark Boy's Choir. Her men's a cappella group, Men of Note, won three consecutive National Championships for Best of High School A Cappella. Christine earned her degrees from Westminster Choir College, studied conducting under Robert Simpson, Elaine Brown, Andrew Megill and Joseph Flummerfelt and was a member of the Westminster Choir. She received their Alumni Merit Award and Alumni Ambassador Award. Christine was New Jersey MENC Master Music Teacher and received the Governor's Award in Arts Education. Christine has conducted numerous All State and Honors Choirs including the 2009 ACDA All National High School Honors Choir. She is a guest conductor, adjudicator and clinician presenting workshops across the country. Her educational products are published by Hal Leonard, DVDs; Vocal Transformation ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7h33W5_Drs ) and Where The Boys Are ( https://christinebass.com/where-the-boys-are/ ) and her new book "Front-Loading Your Repertoire: Constructing for Success" ( https://www.youtube.com/user/thepopasduck ) was released this past year. For more info please visit: www.christinebass.com .

Important information


Registration fee for each participant is 550,00 HRK (75,00 euros) and it should be paid until 1st April 2019 as described below. The fee includes admission to the conference, one paper to be presented, a printed copy of the conference program, publication of the paper in the conference proceedings, snacks and coffee breaks, dinner, artistic events and certificate of participation. The conference fee should be paid by bank transfer.

Payers from abroad should submit a Confirmation of VAT No. to the mail racunovodstvo@foozos.hr

NOTE FOR PASSIVE PARTICIPANTS: If there are more than two participants coming from the same institution, the third participant and additional participants do not pay registration fees. 





IBAN: HR1825000091102044575



PURPOSE: SGP2019, enter the name of payer


Abstract in Croatian/mutually intelligible languages, and in English, should not exceed 300 words (Latin alphabet) and should be submitted online by filling in the registration form. The abstract should contain theoretical background and research contribution to the topic. The scientific board will evaluate the abstracts in terms of significance, quality, originality and appropriateness. The registration form should be e-mailed to: simpozij.gl.ped.2019@gmail.com. The list of participants will be available at https://simpozij-glazba.pedagogija.net/ starting with 20th November 2018.


All accepted and registered authors are invited to prepare full paper submissions until 25th February 2019. All positively reviewed papers will be published as part of the Proceedings or in the Journal Life and School.

Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word or Open Office document. The text should be written in English or Croatian language. Your paper will be reviewed by two reviewers and, if there are some remarks and suggestions, we'll send you the reviewed text and ask you to modify your paper according to the requirements of the reviewers. If you do not agree with the reviewers, please explain it in your response.

The papers are categorized as a research paper, a professional paper, or other papers. The research papers are further categorized as an original scientific paper, a preliminary note and a review paper.

The scope of work, including a bibliography may not exceed 25 pages of text. A page means 1800 characters with spaces. Graphics and tables should be numbered and have titles. The titles of tables should be placed above and the titles of pictures below.

In the proceedings from the Sixth International Symposium of Music Pedagogues the author should use the APA (American Psychological Association) writing standards to format references in the text and bibliography.

The submitted manuscript is author's own original work, and does not duplicate any other previously published work, including their own previously published work. 


How satisfied are you with the main theme of the Symposium (Music in Schools - State and Perspectives)? - 4,8

To what extent are you satisfied with the choice of invited guests of the Symposium (Prof. Dr. Tim Cain and Prof. Christine C. Bass)? - 4,87

To what extent are you satisfied with the presentation of prof. Dr. Tim Cain? - 4,64

To what extent are you satisfied with the workshops led by prof. Christine C. Bass? - 4,88

To what extent you are satisfied with the other exhibitors and their way of presenting? - 4,30

Can you point out a presentation or workshop that left you a special positive impression?

Workshops (two or more selections):
José Godinho (PT): Listen-And-Play: Practical Activities on Listening to Music (11)
Christine C. Bass (USA): Vocal Transformation for Your Choirs (6)
Ivančica Hinek (HR) : Children's Voice Posture - Practical Work with Children's Choir of Young School Age (4)
Nikoola Livančić (HR), Martina Terzić (HR): Dance as an Extra - Curricular Activity (2)

Presentations (two or more selections):
Prof. dr. Tim Cain (UK): Improving Music Education through Learning from Others (3)
Ivana Senjan (HR): Contemporary Approach to the Development of Students' Taste in Music during Music Classes (2)

To what extent has the Symposium managed to raise awareness of the importance of the subject? - 4,30

To what extent has the Symposium managed to present new findings and relevant experiences from abroad? - 4,44

To what extent do you feel that your acquired knowledge will be used in further work? - 4,46

To what extent were your expectations of this Symposium fulfilled? - 4,57

To what extent were you satisfied with the overall organization (location, equipment, breaks, dinner ...)? - 4,74

Ulica kralja Zvonimira 7, 10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Sva prava zadržana 2019
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